
04 July 2010

Flirting with Fascism?

Has Homo sapiens (modern man) squandered his last opportunity to peacefully save the planet from now unstoppable environmental destruction?

The pathetically weak program to curb global warming embodied in the 1997 Kyoto Protocol (which the United States, the world's then largest producer of greenhouse gasses [now surpassed by China], has stated it "has no intention to ratify") and the laughable "carbon trading" restrictions embodied in last year's Copenhagen Summit do not offer much hope for the planet. Incredibly, there are still sizable groups of people in the United States (but not Europe) who, through lack of understanding or brainwashing, deny that global warming is even taking place!

The triple threats of global warming, overpopulation, and rampant growth of technology, and mankind's failure to adequately address these problems, has led Finnish ecologist, Pentti Linkola, to conclude that extreme political measures are now necessary if life itself is to prevail on the planet. Democratic eco-socialism would have been a nice alternative, he reasons, but there is no longer any time for such luxuries. The soft-spoken, clear-eyed ecologist now sees a much bleaker future on the horizon.

Eco-fascism, anyone?

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